Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Off Day Now and Then...

I went hiking with my friend, Lauren, yesterday. We hit up Spencer's Butte because I was traumatized from my previous Mt. Pisgah snake encounter... we were SO close to the top of beautiful Spencer's Butte when Miss Lauren nearly stepped on a rattle snake, and this boy was a fatty. Again, we screamed and pulled some amazing mid-air ninja moves and high tailed it down the trail. Am I just not meant to hike anymore?

Anyway, after our eventful hike, I headed home and decided that I needed to do one of my runs. Holy brick Batman!? I couldn't get past walking and into a run, I felt like a clydesdale tromping rather than gracefully bounding. It was not desirable. I didn't end up running, but boy am I glad that I did the hike earlier that day so that I got some of a workout in!

Today, on the other hand, I ran effortlessly? I finished the 33 min. of Stage 6 and decided I keep going, so I kept up the 3 min. walk and 7 min. run sequence for the rest of the hour. It was great!

*Random thing I love: I love when I get so hot and sweaty and then I wash my face right after in cold water. Seriously, the most amazing and exhilarating feeling. Love love LOVE.

Any tips on dealing with snakes on trails?
What do you do when you have an "off" day?
How do you get over that "brick" feeling?

1 comment:

  1. haha I have to train my mind that "i need a day off" and its good for my body. I do yoga, or do lots of cleaning so i feel productive, and try to eat extra healthy!
