On to the next one!!! Each stage requires completing 3 or 4 (preferably 4) runs in a week. Run Your Butt Off states that the runs should be broken up throughout the week, ex: Mon - run, Wed - run, (break Tues and Thurs), Fri - run, and Sat - run, (then break again Sun). I did the 4 runs straight through the week (Mon-Thurs), but that's because I'm a pretty active person and usually exercise 6 days of the week and taking one day off (usually Sunday). I plan on continuing with Stage 4 for the rest of the week, but I've technically completed Stage 4 and I'm ready to move onto Stage 5 Monday!! WOO! Let's kick some butt!!!
I thought I would add the previous stages in case anyone wanted them so they could start from the beginning! Again, I only jumped ahead in the stages because I am more active than the first few stages asked for, so start wherever you feel is best! I HIGHLY recommend purchasing this book! I've set-up a link on my "Favorite Reads" tab to Amazon, where you can find the book for about $12. It's definitely worth the money! Along with the stages, there are tips and tricks and recipes! It's great stuff!!!
I hiked Mt. Pisgah with my sister, Rachel. It was beautiful and sunny! We are supposed to hit a high of 82 today, YAY for sunshine! When I got home I decided to give Stage 5 a try, just to see what I'd be up against this coming week. Totally handled it! By the 3rd round I was thinking "ok... when is this over... I'm done here!" But I got it done and I'm totally going to be able to handle it this week! I'm moving right along. Woot woot.
Okay, so here are the stages up to Stage 4... Oh and when they say "run," you're not kicking up the speed to a sprint, your run should be no faster than your walk. On a treadmill, I'll walk at 3.7mph, then go up 4.0mph for the "run." Some people speed walk at that speed, but I'm easing myself into this and that's what will make it stick. If were running my guts out at 5.0 or 5.5, I wouldn't be able to make it through a single set. So, when I say "run," I really mean "slog" (slow-jog) but it's all about personal improvement! I'm already doing 10x better than I thought I ever would with running!
Stage 1
Build up to 30 min of nonstop walking
Stage 2
Walk for 4 min. Run for 1 min.
Repeat sequence 4 more times
End with 3 min walking
Stage 3
Walk for 4 min. Run for 2 min.
Repeat sequence 4 more times
End with 3 min walking
Stage 4
Walk for 3 min. Run for 3 min.
Repeat sequence 4 more times
End with 3 min walking
What are your favorite cross-training exercises?
- I LOVE swimming and hiking! I like to switch up my workout routine by throwing these in now and then, and I like to add a run/slog to the days where I feel super excellent!
I don't know why this is posting all funky! Trying to fix it