I like doing races, I've done 5k's mostly and one 10k. I'm currently training for the Disneyland Half Marathon in September 2012... well by training I really mean that I'm attempting to run the entire duration of a 10k then move onto to officially training for the 1/2. It's all a process so I call it "training," it makes me feel better! A half marathon may sound torturous BUT make it a half marathon in my favorite place in the world, Disneyland, and I'm ALL IN with a GIANT smile on my face! I, also, have big ambitions of completing the Run Disney Coast to Coast Race Challenge, where you must complete a marathon or half marathon in Walt Disney World AND Disneyland in the same calendar year. I'm planning on doing this in 2013 when I'm in real good with Disney and they choose to send me on their dime, it's going to happen. You'll see. They give you a special medal for it, in addition to the medals you receive from the other races. I WANT that medal.

"click me" to go to their site
So that's the goal... let's talk about the fun I've already had. Every year we wake up freaking early on Thanksgiving to run the Turkey Stuffer 5k, we've been doing this since 2004. I remember the first year they got me to do it, I thought it was some cruel form of punishment but then it just became something hilarious and fun to do, plus I love the shirt we get every year!
My favorite is the grey one!!!
People dress up in costumes and I do my horrible impersonation of Enrico Pollini from Rat Race... "it's a race, it's a race!" It was funny the first time I did it 7 years ago... not so much anymore. I need new material. crap.

"Click me" to go to their site
Rachel, Chuby and I did The Dirty Dash this last fall (September 2010) and LOVED it. It was a 10k of fun, dirt and mud. It was a mess and it was FABULOUS. I highly recommend this run to anyone who wants to have a good laugh, amazing pictures, and lots of fun during a 10k. The race trail had "obstacles" that needed to be passed; including slogging through mud pits, hurdling hay bails and 6 ft walls into mud pits, crossing a nasty swamp and creek, a giant slip'n'slide into a yet another giant mud pit, and in order to cross the finish line you had to swim through a HUGE mud pit in front of an audience armed with water balloons. Best. Race. EVER!

Before all nice and clean

The creek to cross had a slimy slippery wall to crawl up
many people slid back into the creek. AWESOME

The final mud pit to swim in!

AFTER! Lllooovveeee!
I am not fast, and I am not {yet} a runner. But I LOVE races when I can do them for fun and just jog {slog really} through it and enjoy the laughs along the way. I love the pictures, the laughs and the memories. The 10k was LONG but it was so much fun and I would do it again in a heart beat! I figure that if it's enjoyable, it'll make me want it, rather than dread it. My advice to you: find a race you could have fun with and get a couple friends together to do it. Make silly costumes or tie-dye shirts for the race and wear them together. I don't know, but have fun with it!
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