Today is this one's birthday! Rachel is 22 years old! Woot woot! For her birthday, we're going to go hike Spencer's Butte AND Mt. Pisgah! She wants to do both, plus we're doing a delish dinner tonight, so doing both is an attempt to equal out the crap we'll undoubtedly consume. She requested burgers for her birthday dinner and s'mores for her dessert! Rachel and I have been oddly collecting strange marshmallows... like the new JetPuff Stackers and these freaking HUGE mallows, I also got Reese's PB cups to try and use instead of a chocolate bar (the child's favorite thing is Reese's!). I'll post pix later! Have a great day and don't forget to celebrate the birth of the Rachel!
Happy bday Rachel!! S'MORES ARE THE BEST...can't wait for the pictures!