I have totally hit writer's block. I DVR'd a bunch of episodes of Grey's Anatomy (like 12) and in the last 3 days... I have watched every single one. WOW, that's pretty pathetic. Not sure what that has to do with my writer's block... but something I'm sure.

I'm getting more into strength training! YAY!!! My running has been coming along wonderfully SO I think it's high time I kick up the weight training and attempt to get some sexy cut arms going on over 'her, what what!?

That's a little much.... I'll just go with this...

Disney has sent me a TON of shiz that I need to get going on... Renter's Insurance, some sort of background check (what, Disney doesn't want felons? I'm offended), and some other parking/housing agreement... I don't know. Lots o' stuff to do, time to get on it! I'll be there in about a month now!!!! I'm so excited! Jeffy, is already down there. Lucky man... blast, soon enough I shall be! YAY for amazing adventures with friends that are soon to come.
Speaking of fun friend visits.... Tugaw was great fun to have around! We went boating, LOTS, and scampered over to the coast (it was super windy, so minor coast bust, oops), fireworks, delish foodsies. Good times were had! Pretty sure that when I drag him down to Cali someday in the {hopefully} near-ish future, there will be even MORE fun to be had!

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