Friday Five
Welcome to Friday Five where I share 5 randoms about ME!
1. I am currently reading The Hunger Games... it's keeping my interest but the mushy lovey stuff is getting in the way of the mass murder arena thing. Less gush, more gore! Ok, I'm not really serious about wanting more gore, but props to Suzanne Collins for a clever and twisted plot line. I like! Not that Collins would care, but this has received the Heather Stamp of Approval.

2. I am OBSESSED (yes obsessed) with Chobani Greek Yogurt. Freaking delicious and a great source of protein. I love gnawing on this for breakfast with 1/2 a Double Fiber English Muffin. Leaves me full and satisfied. Give Chobani a try! Pomegranate is my favorite flavor, but all of them are pretty freaking awesome!

4. My favorite vacation I have ever been on with my family was to Key Largo, FL. We went scuba diving, played on wave runners, ate pizza on the dock while the sun set, ordered PiƱa Coladas with little umbrellas on the beach, pet a manatee, and played with a sea turtle. It was incredible and WAY too much fun.

5. I talk in my sleep. I babble on about crap and if you catch me at the right time, you can usually get me to engage in a random conversation with you. Be careful, though, I have been able to tell when someone isn't telling me the truth... Rachel was messing with my sleep talkyness and I responded in a very creepy monotone voice "you're lying to me." Freaked her out for sure. Oh... and if you happen to get me and Rachel in the same room while we're sleeping, you might be able to catch us have a conversation in our sleep to one another from across the room. Last time we were caught doing this we were talking about sparkles and glitter. Ya. We're cool.

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