Thursday, March 22, 2012

Great Breakfast & Bad Hair

This morning started off great with an amazing homemade breakfast burrito! I highly recommend this! Yummy, satisfying, and just freaking DELISH!

Breakfast Burrito

1 Whole Wheat Tortilla (130 calories)
1/3 C liquid egg whites (50) - scrambled
1/4 C Low Fat shredded colby cheese (40)
1/2 avocado - sliced (160)
1 generous spoonful SALSA (not worth estimating - all goodness)

Calorie total : 380
And it has some protein, some good fats, and a bit of carbs! Excellent round out! And of course, had to be devoured with 1/2 grapefruit!

Today, I straightened my hair. I rarely do this because y'all have seen my curls! Usually, my hair holds the straightening fine enough, but today, I left Huntington Beach with dry air, and wound up in a dense wet fog in Anaheim. CRAP! I'm hosting a familiarization experience for 30 teachers, principles and administrators today in the park, and my hair is waving out on me. BAD HAIR! BEHAVE!

Why do I even bother?!

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