Ramblings and "insights" of a curly haired, hazel eyed, overly energetic, slightly psychotic girl!! I hope you enjoy -- Have a magical day :D
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Love mornings off
After waking up I cranked out a quick morning workout that I found on pinterest. And then devoured a protein-y breakfast for 290 calories and 2 giant water bottles.
And now I can get some ish done! Woo!!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Uuh oh
Friday, December 23, 2011
Giant Salads
Before dinner I needed a snack at work and stocked up on Luna Bars at the grocery store! Perfect yummy snack. I'm obsessed with the new chocolate coconut flavor! It was 190 calories and a giant bottle of water!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
OH happy day
We spent the day unloading the last of her belongings; including couches and kitchen table with chairs!!
We're all moved in!!!
Now watching one of my all time favorite movies- Count of Monte Cristo in my sweatpants after having eaten delish pizza for dinner!!
Excellent birthday!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Avoidant Behavior
Avoiding stepping on the bathroom scale when you know it's not going to be good. NO I will NOT look!!! Aaahhhhhh
Hold Please
So I'm all settled in my new apartment And I LOVE it!!! We don't have couches or kitchen table + chairs, yet... But we will! LexiLu has couches, so we're waiting on those. As for the kitchen table- I'm simply in denial about needing to purchase one.
I'll have to use my archaic iPhone app to update blogs for a bit. We don't have Internet, yet, either. Again- we will!! So I'm using my phone but I'm planning on stopping by Starbucks later for a delish skinny peppermint mocha and stealing their wi-fi! I need to update things and catch up on some shows !!
Tomorrow is my birthday!? What the...!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Move-In ALMOST Complete
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Holy Migraine!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Private Cast Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Avoidance is KEY
Sunday, December 11, 2011
30 Day Challenge- OVER IT
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Birthday & Christmas Wishlist

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Lunch + Party Time
Turns out, Runner’s World is doing something called Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak.

The idea is to run AT LEAST 1 mile everyday between Thanksgiving and New Years. Since I only just heard about this, I’m starting my Holiday Streak tomorrow.
If you start with me on December 8th, and run 1 mile everyday between Dec 8 and New Years – that’ll be 25 Days of a blissful Holiday Streaking.
The idea behind the 1 mile/day Holiday Streak is to help ward off any Holiday weight gain and help keep you motivated to continue good habits through to the New Year.
Seems pretty ingenious to me! How many of us have gained a few extra pounds during the holidays and decide to continue the mass caloric holiday intake because you’ve “screwed up already” so what’s the point in still trying?
Join me in the Holiday Streak ! You can join ANYTIME!!!! Only 1 mile a day! WOO!!!!!
If you want to learn more about the Streaking event visit their blog and check out the FAQs here.
Day 10 Ex-Relationships
Day 10 : Things you want to say to an ex
“…. Hi? Congratulations on your marriage.”
I don’t know!? What do you say to an ex. As I’ve stated in a previous blog post… I am NOT skilled with relationships, so while I may be a communication pro – this part of the human experience continues to elude me.
Sorry I haven't given much in the last 2 challenges... I am not comfortable discussing relationship stuff.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Day 8 Worry Not
Moving, Money and Furniture..
I have never lived in an apartment that wasn’t furnished. That may sound crazy, but where I went to college it was pretty common that the apartments and rooms were furnished. I just needed to have the “stuff” to fill the spaces.
Moving into an unfurnished apartment is completely new territory for me! I don’t have ANYTHING as far as furniture! Dresser, bed frame, night stand, couches, kitchen table. Zilch.
Thankfully, LexiLu has the furniture needed for the living room (couches and such), so I only need to worry about my room and a kitchen table + chairs. That’s why I say I’m worried about moving and furniture and the $$$ required for the venture.

(This is the bedroom collection I'm obsessed with!! So simple and ADORABLE!!)
I’m thinking IKEA will be my go-to, choice. Building the stuff will be VERY entertaining. Camera crews should be standing by to capture the failure.
OH! And our mattresses that we ordered won’t arrive for 4-5 WEEKS. SERIOUSLY?! UGH. Well, we want out of our apartment ASAP, so we’re going to invest in air mattresses and just move on out. The air mattresses are a good investment anyway, if people visit or whatever.
I’m also worried about a semi-fallout with a friend of mine. Boo.
Oh well! There are plenty of WONDERFUL things happening in my life that are easing the worries and creating a lot of happiness! All-in-all … I am a happy girl!Hard Battle
New Digs Yo
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Day 7: Tom Welling

Christmas Time is HERE!!!
Imagine my disappointment when I realized a week ago that I don’t have ANY Christmas movies!? They are all at home, with the family, because they are owned by the family and should remain at the family home because Christmas is a family-spent holiday! Well, this year, I won’t be home for the holiday because I’ve committed myself to work for Disney during the holiday rush… therefore NO Christmas movies to watch whilest I knit and wrap gifts! BLAST!!
I immediately started filling a shopping cart on Amazon when this epiphany struck! I informed mommy-dearest of this dilemma one evening, and being the sweetheart that she is, she hijacked my amazon account and ordered my Christmas Movie Wishlist! AAwwwwwwww!!!!! I think everyone is a little saddened that I won’t be home for the holiday, and they are worried that I’ll be alone, so by mentioning that Christmas movies are high on my Christmas Time priority list, she procured my films of choice and had them shipped! Again… AAAWWWWW!!!
I’m totally ok with missing this Christmas with the fam for the amazing internship opportunity, plus Christmas time at Disneyland starts in November, so I’ve been exposed to a lot of Christmasy-ness. I’ll survive this holiday season without a trip home. I don’t plan on making it a habit, though. HECK NO!
(Christmas tree in one of the rooms at home!!)
Nothing beats my dad’s Christmas lights on the house, the amazing tree, ADORABLE decorations around the house, my sisters fighting over which stocking holder REALLY belongs to them, and my mom’s Gingerbread House decorating nights. NOTHING! And don’t get me started on our Fondue dinner and making Christmas cookies and candies with my mom and sisters!
No, I don’t plan on missing many Holiday Seasons at home in the future, but now and then won’t kill me. I’m sure we could ALL agree… there’s no place like home for the Holidays. But I plan on doing it right on my own this year, and having A TON of Christmas movies is a good way to start!!!
I think I’ll enjoy Elf tonight while I knit!!!!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Day 6 Borderline Exhibitionist
Day 6 : What do you wear to bed?
Rachel is probably laughing right now if she’s reading this, wondering how I’m going to answer.
The answer : it depends. Depends on if I’m alone in my room, or if I’m sharing a room with someone else.
Alone : Boxers and a sports bra. I HATE clothes when I’m sleeping (okay, I hate clothes in general), so I am a minimalist when I sleep.
Someone in the room : Boxers or PJ pants, + sports bra AND tshirt.
I currently share a room with Miss LexiLu, and out of respect for her, I wear clothes. Although, given our lezzilove she probably wouldn’t care hehehe (kidding peeps). We’re moving to a new 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment this month, so I will be able to return to my minimalist clothing behavior SOON!!!!
I very much look forward to being in my own room, again! Although, sharing with LexiLu has been just pure Disney magic hahaha
Friday, December 2, 2011
Day 5 Challenge - Then and NOW!
There are a few things that pop into my mind upon reading that question : weight, love and acceptance. And all of those kind of relate.

Taken a few months ago...
Weight : Two years ago... I was about 40 lbs heavier than I am now. It’s been a struggle to lose weight, always has been for me. But my dedication to it has fluctuated. Never at any point have a I GAINED any of the weight I’ve lost back. You know how people kind of yo-yo, like they lose weight then they give up and gain it back? Well that’s never happened. I am a PRO at MAINTAINING my weight. Whatever I lose, I work to keep off, then I go through periods of time where I double that effort and then I start to lose again. I never give up, I never gain it back, I’m just a little slow at losing it ALL! But as long it’s coming off, that’s all I care about. I have about 20 lbs MAYBE 30 lbs left to lose, but I won’t let it take another 2yrs. I’m in a good place in my life where things can continue to move forward… which leads into love and acceptance…

No, I haven’t found some great companion or anything. But I have found love! And that is LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for myself! Never have I EVER hated myself, nothing of the sort. But I have been too quick to hide, run and cover for myself when a threat was sensed. I know that sounds kind of confusing… Since I was little, I’ve always been pretty skilled at lying and covering for myself, masking the truth and putting the right face forward. I was always playing a certain character or conveying the right role. It seems that I’ve been hiding the truth of WHO I am as a way to protect myself? It was very confusing, especially when you’re trying to discover yourself, learn and grow! And it took awhile for me to realize what was happening and come to terms with it.
Well, I’ve stopped caring so much about what others think of me, and I’ve stopped concerning myself with what the right image is that I’m supposed to be portraying and I’ve become much more comfortable in my own skin. I’m being vague, on purpose. No need to hurt anyone’s feelings or anything. I will do what I need to in order to take care of myself and continue to be happy.
Why do you think I’m living in Southern California, taking risks I’ve never taken before, daring to dream, and believing that I can achieve those dreams. I’m at peace and I’m incredibly comfortable with who I am. I’m surrounding myself with people who are deserving of my friendship, and I’ve eliminated or lessened interactions with those aren’t.
Two years ago, I was happy and healthy. Today, I am the happiest and in the healthiest shape I have ever been in. It can only get better from here !
Oh and I have infinitely better hair now!!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Breakfast & MIni AM Workout
Mini AM Workout
50 Jumping Jacks
5 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 mountain climbers
30 second plank
7 burpees
Today’s breakfast turned out especially delicious! I made my own version of a breakfast sandwich!
Heather’s Breakfast Sandwich
Calories : 282
2 Egg whites
1 slice Low-Fat Provolone Cheese
2 Whole-Wheat Waffles
2 T Salsa of choice for topping
Scramble (2) egg whites, then add 2T of salsa to the scrambled mix and top it with one slice of provolone cheese. Toast 2 Whole-Wheat Waffles while cheese melts. Sandwich the egg whites between 2 Whole-Wheat waffles. Consume and ENJOY with a GIANT mug of Chai tea!
Day 4 NEW Challenge
Day 4 of NEW challenge : What Weird Things You Do When You’re Alone
(See, isn’t this better than discussing my views on drugs and suicide?!)
I am alone, MOST of the time. I like to be by myself. I don’t know if what I do is weird, or if the fact that most everything I do is done alone is the weird part? You can be the judge.
I work alone, on location. At work, I will organize my week into daily tasks, make my menu for the week, and plan my grocery store trip based on my meal plan. Many sites that I use at home, like Facebook and my Blogspot account, are actually BLOCKED at work, so I entertain myself with other things. I’ll surf the internet news stories, pin things on Pinterest for awhile, and I’ll work on entries in a Word document for future blog posts (*like now for instance).
When I’m home alone… I like to jump into Yoga pants IMMEDIATELY. I can most often be found in yoga pants, and a sweatshirt when I’m at home. I’ll knit, catch up on shows on Hulu, write in my journal, or read whatever book I’m onto at the time. Right now, I’m reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, which was recommended to me by my friends’ mother. I’ll write a review about it later. I’m still trying to figure out a way to read WHILE knitting, that would be awesome!! I guess audiobooks are an option… hmmm ponder.
Since I work for The Walt Disney Company, I have a pass that gets me into the park for free whenever I want to go. So I like to go alone. I actually really LOVE to go to the parks alone. I prefer it, in fact. Unless, I’m there with a close friend, members of my family, or my sisters. But other than those cases, I REALLY like to go alone. I wander around, go on Ariel’s Undersea Adventure 3-5 times in a row if I want to (most others would find that to be torturous), grab a tasty lunch (either soup in a bread bowl or pesto pasta!) and people watch. I guess that’s the weirdest thing I do alone… It does sound a little creeperish to go to Disneyland alone and people watch… maybe I should stop… NAH!!
One time one of my roommates came home to find me knitting on the couch, watching a Law and Order: SVU Marathon on tv, with a green clay mask on my face. Britney Spears’ “I’m a Slave 4U” was blasting from the bathroom, too. Definitely, one of my classier moments.
Ya, so I guess I’m mild creeper status. I hope I don’t become more eccentric as I age… oh wait, that sounds AWESOME.